Name of Applicant Agency Home Address Home Phone Work Address Work Phone Date/Time of Incident Location of Incident Report Type Report Type Arrest Report Crime Report Traffic Collision DV Report Current Arrest Info/Booking Sheet Incident Report/Calls for Service Photos Other Other Party of Interest Party of Interest Victim named in document(s) requested Driver, passenger, or pedestrian involved in traffic collision report requested. Arrestee Witness Reporting party Insurance company representing subject of record Parent/guardian of juvenile Attorney (authorization required) Law Enforcement Officer conducting criminal investigation Property owner Authorized individual (signed authorization required) Other party of interest (specify) Claim Number Clients Name Case Number Other Party of Interest (specify) I declare under the penalty of perjury that I am the party of interest identified above. I am NOT a suspect in this case. *If I am seeking arrest information, I declare that I am a licensed private investigator or will use the information for scholarly, journalistic, political or governmental purposes ONLY, per Government Code 6254(f)(3). The information SHALL NOT be used directly or indirectly to sell a product or service to anyone. Signature Date 13 + 6 = Submit